Spotlight: AML Training is a Pillar of Compliance – How are you meeting this requirement?

Introduction As outlined in Section 352 of the USA PATRIOT Act, which stands for “Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT) Act of 2001.”, an Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Program shall establish “an ongoing employee training program…”.[1] Collectively speaking, regulatory bodies have not explicitly defined what this […]

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Human Trafficking, Human Slavery, Trafficking in Persons, Human Smuggling – Part 2

A global problem.  What can we do as US financial institutions to help bring it to an end? Last month we discussed the global blight of human trafficking under its various names.  It is second only to global drug trade in terms of its profitability for the criminals who traffic in persons. It produces well […]

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Spotlight: BSA/Transaction Monitoring Software – What Your Peers Are Using, Doing, and Paying

Every quarter we conduct a survey on important topics to anti-money laundering (AML) professionals. A recent survey covered the topic of the use of BSA/Transaction Monitoring software. Although having an automated transaction monitoring software is not required for financial institutions, having a technology—whether it be a manual process through spreadsheets, or something through an automated […]

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The Science Behind False Positive Tuning

Introduction How do you know if the thresholds are set correctly in your OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) Sanctions Filtering or BSA (Bank Secrecy Act) Transaction Monitoring system?  That is certainly an important question, and a mystery in the world of anti-money laundering (AML). Commonly in the financial industry, and for the purposes of […]

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Part 2: Your Secret Weapons in Fraud Risk Management Compliance

On July 24, 2019, the OCC issued Bulletin 2019-37 Operational Risk: Fraud Risk Management Principles. In our first article in this series, we distilled the guidance down to its three component parts governance/culture, risk management, and reporting.  In this article, we cover the two central components of a compliant fraud risk management program. These are […]

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New OCC Rules on Fraud Risk Management

Part 1: Governance, Operations, Management   Introduction   On July 24, 2019, the OCC issued Bulletin 2019-37 Operational Risk: Fraud Risk Management Principles. The OCC guidance can be broken down into three components:   Governance/Culture Ethical standards and employee accountability.   Risk Management Operations Policies, procedures, processes, controls, personnel sufficient to identify, measure, monitor, and […]

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