Spotlight: AML Training is a Pillar of Compliance ā€“ How are you meeting this requirement?

Introduction As outlined in Section 352 of the USA PATRIOT Act, which stands for ā€œUniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT) Act of 2001.ā€, an Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Program shall establish ā€œan ongoing employee training programā€¦ā€.[1] Collectively speaking, regulatory bodies have not explicitly defined what this […]

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Financial Elder Abuse: The Never-Ending Struggle to Stop It

To begin, letā€™s define our topic.Ā Financial Elder Abuse isĀ ā€œwhen someone takes or misuses another personā€™s money or property for the benefit of someone other than that person.Ā For example, neighbors, caregivers, professionals, and even family or friends may take money without permission, fail to repay money they owe, charge too much for services, or not do […]

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AML, KYC and the Smartphone

Thanks to the prevalence of smartphones (77 percentĀ of U.S. adults now own one), consumers not only have more payment options than ever before, but they also have higher expectations for fast and frictionless transactions. From first enrollment to checkout and payment, consumers demand a seamless and extremely convenient experience. However, meeting these consumer expectations can […]

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