Model Validation: The definition, the origin and why you should be doing one
Frank Masi, Ph.D. has over 25 years of business and technical experience and holds a doctorate in business and organizational management from Capella University. Over the last 10 plus years, Dr. Masi has worked in the BSA, AML, and OFAC regulatory environment and has consulted in the in the financial industry providing institutions with enterprise level regulatory software solutions and consulting services in BSA, AML, KYC, P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act, and OFAC.Follow Frank on LinkedIn:

Model Validation: The definition, the origin and why you should be doing one

Introduction In this article, I will present updated fundamentals on what is an Anti-Money Laundering (AML) model validation as defined by the Office of Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) guidance. In an effort to provide oversight on the model validation process, I will demonstrate the definition, it’s origin, how that translates to its use in […]

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Independent Verification and Validation: the Definition, the Origin and Why You Should be Doing One

Introduction Independent verification and validation, IVV, model validation, validation or; as Shakespeare might say, a validation by any other name is still a validation. Regardless of the name it has evolved and been redefined over time.  This article will cover the origin, OCC guidance, regulatory pressure, IVV methodology, reporting, independence, and vendor due diligence in […]

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Compliance Testing

Beyond the regulatory requirements (Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council, 2010), testing is conducting in different departments for different purposes. In the IT department you are focusing on software and system quality, bug identification and integration accuracy. The audit and compliance departments are validating the continued accuracy and compliance to policies and procedures. It is the […]

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Independent Verification and Validation: The Definition, the Origin and Why You Should Be Doing One

Independent verification and validation, IVV, model validation, validation or; as Shakespeare might say, a validation by any other name is still a validation. Regardless of the name it has evolved and been redefined over time.  This article will cover the origin, OCC guidance, regulatory pressure, IVV methodology, reporting, independence, and vendor due diligence in an […]

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Compliance Monitoring

Compliance monitoring is the continued self-assessment and adherence to policies, procedures, and processes within the compliance program. Due to increased regulatory scrutiny this role is expanding throughout the financial institution industry. Specifically, compliance monitoring is a designated role to review, sample, and identify control issues within a compliance program. The value of the role is […]

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